We’re on a mission.

The Flint & Steel Coalition is a direct response to the needs we found in our community. Our mission, influenced by the NWI’s definition of wellness, is to develop a well-rounded community for our youth and young adults to ensure we hand this world off to a generation better than our own.

“Find a need and fill it.”

-minister and entrepreneur Norman Vincent Peale

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We are no stranger to the fact that society is advancing at a rate faster than ever experienced before. Most popular social hangout places for the youth today are digital. It is our belief that fighting that reality through trying to completely detach kids from their phones is ineffective on a large scale. Instead, our mission is to create social-media-friendly anti-social-media spaces that have the vibe people are looking for and like to have in the background of their content, while also housing engaging and entertaining activities that will encourage people to stay off their phones naturally.

Flint & Steel aims to be a community center reimagined. Instead of one physical location, we are a network of independent resources geared towards wellness and community.